Business & Entrepreneurship
Keep Your Business Running
We aren’t like your typical lawyers. In fact, we have no desire to be associated with any firms that work as such.
At Schilleci & Tortorici, Jody and Jason bring businesses a 21st-century approach to the way they handle their business. We’re not only equipped to handle all matters related to your business – from startup to transactions, to litigation, to mergers and acquisitions, to dissolution – but we do it in a way that doesn’t paint lawyers as a necessary evil. We don’t use secretaries and assistants to handle your case, but rather insert ourselves directly into the mix with you – from day one until the very end. It’s not only what sets us apart, but what really allows us to get to know our clients and set them up for success.
Schilleci & Tortorici operates as a small business rather than a large firm, which gives Jody and Jason the chance to connect with customers as our team goes through day-to-day operations. This may not be the “norm,” but it’s what we feel is right.
It’s right, and it works. The connections we form and the type of business we run allows us to relate to business and entrepreneur clients on an entirely different level. By running everything on our own, we are able to fully understand all the highs and lows that come with owning and managing a company. It may be a different approach from other firms, but it’s one that gives our clients the courage to come to us with any problem, knowing that we’re going to listen, do our homework, and fix it.
No matter what phase of growth your business is in, Schilleci & Tortorici will be there for you to help turn your dreams into reality. Call us today to find out more.
We're not your average lawyers. We're different—we like it that way.